Sunday 31 July 2022

167 Days Of National Shame

The National Shame of Our Country

Today, July 31, 2022, marks 167 days since the gates of federal universities across the country were shut due to an industrial action embarked by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU).

Sadly, the strike, which commenced on February 14, 2022, about five months 17 days today seems to be unending despite several meetings, interventions, consultations and FG-ASUU negotiations, which have yielded no result.

There is no assurance that the strike would be called off at the anticipated meeting of the National Executive Council of ASUU slated for tomorrow, August 1, 2022.

But away from the fight between the Federal Government and ASUU; as the proverbial two elephants fight, the students, their parents and businesses that depend on functional campuses are bearing the brunt.

The undergraduates are idling away; their parents are worried as the months of inactivity are having negative impacts on the would-be leaders of tomorrow, while many businesses are wrecked, leaving the owners in debt, poor health conditions and some even dead.

I don’t know why the government is less concerned, the undergraduates are idling away every day, some in illegal business, some die trying to cross to Europe by road, you heard of the many killed in a North African country recently, but you cannot stop them because they are idle. Government please open universities; it is in your hands,” the travel journalist said.

Of course, the rank of bus conductors is swelling with many undergraduates, especially in Lagos, who cannot stay at home again, and you know them by their more respectful demeanor.

Meanwhile, a study by an independent education initiative, sponsored by an Abuja-based Christian organisation for some federal university undergraduates, revealed that 20 out of 100 undergraduates opened their books to read in the first month of the strike, with a huge decline to 5 out of 100 in the fourth month.

The frightening decline, according to the study, speaks volume of the rot among undergraduates because of the long strike.

“We will see a situation where lecturers will begin afresh and many students will struggle to catch up with class work, though many drop out on the account of traveling abroad for greener pastures, being held down by family business, sickness, death of the students or their sponsors, among other challenges. So, you are not going to see a full class,” the report further revealed.

While the gates of the federal universities across the country are shut for close to six months now, wealthy Nigerians are flaunting the graduation pictures and videos of their children and of their own in foreign universities, which many say is an insult to the right-thinking and long-suffering citizens.



From "F" to "A"

Keys to Move From "F" To Straight"A"s

Accept Responsibility

Remember that you alone are responsible for your academic achievement. Your instructor is your guide and your classmates may help you to understand your assignments; however, you are responsible for your own success.

Discipline Yourself

Discipline yourself to study everyday at least two hours or until you understand your assignment. Study to know and to understand, not merely to get a particular grade.

Manage Your Time

Manage your time well, so that you allow time for your personal responsibilities and time to study. Remember procrastination is a subtle thief that will steal your academic success.

Stay Ahead 

Stay one or more chapters ahead in reading your textbook.

Help Yourself Then Ask for Help

If you are not keeping up in class, do all that you can do to help yourself to improve your academic performance. (For example: increase your study time, form a study group, study with a partner, and use all support services available to you at AMSC.) If you continue to experience difficulty, make an appointment with your instructors to talk about your academic performance.

Be Present and Prompt

Avoid being absent or tardy. You are required to attend classes from the first day that classes begin for the semester. Good attendance will give you first-hand knowledge of your instructors' comments and responses to questions. Also, good attendance shows

Don't Quit

Do not stop coming to class because of a personal crisis, problem, or frustration. Academic counsellor can help you determine how to manage or cope with these situations. The Coordinator of Academic Advisement can tell you the best resource on campus to help you. If you stop coming to class you will earn an "F," which will lower your GPA.

Communicate with Instructors

If you cannot come to class because you are ill, notify your instructors. Try to make arrangements to make up your missed assignments.

Do Your Best

Only your best is good enough. Strive for "A's" and "B's," even if you have never earned "A's" and "B's

Diligently Work Until the End

Do not slow down after mid-semester. Work harder than you did at the beginning of the semester. Sustain your hard work until the end of the semester.

Use Support Services

Find out about AMSC's support services and use them. (i.e., Academic Support Center, Student Support Services, Office of Academic Advisement, Office of Counseling and Testing, and Learning Support Counselors.)


A prerequisite is a course that must be successfully completed prior to enrollment in another course (See the AMSC catalog for prerequisites.)

Stay Focused

Focus on your academic goals. As far as possible, eliminate negative influences and distractions that may prevent you from reaching your goal. "Success is sweet but you must sweat it out". 

Let look at different habit of successful students who made straight"A" in all their courses.


  1. Get Organized. Making a plan for what you're going to do and when you're going to do it will make sure you're always ahead of the curve - literally. 

  2. Don't multitask. Studies have shown that multitasking is physically impossible. 

  3. Divide it up. Studying isn't fun to begin with, and forcing yourself through a study marathon will only make it worse. Dividing your work into manageable chunks and rewarding yourself when you finish each chunk will make studying (more) fun.

  4. Sleep. Don't underestimate the importance of those eight hours of zzz's every night! Getting a good night's rest will sharpen your focus and improve your working memory.

  5. Set a schedule. Do you work better right after school or after you've eaten dinner? Are you more productive in 90-minute blocks or half-hour spurts? Find a schedule that works for you, and stick to it. 

  6. Take notes. Taking notes will not only keep you more engaged during class, but will also help you narrow down what you need to study when exam time rolls around. It's much easier to reread your notes than to reread your entire textbook!

  7. Study. This one might be obvious, but did you know that there's a right and a wrong way to study? Review your material several days ahead of time, in small chunks, and in different manners (for example, write flashcards one day and take practice tests the next). In other words, don't cram. 

  8. Manage your study space. Find a place that will maximize your productivity. Look for places away from the television and other distractions. Whether it's your local library or just the desk in your bedroom, set aside a study space that you'll want to spend time in. 

  9. Find a study group. Sitting down with a group of people who are learning the same things as you is a great way to go over confusing class material or prepare for a big test. You can quiz each other, reteach material, and make sure that everyone is on the same page. After all, teaching someone else is the best way to learn. 

  10. Ask questions. You're in school to learn, so don't be afraid to do just that! Asking for help - from a teacher, a tutor or your friends - is a surefire way to make sure you truly understand the material. 


1. Motivation
Motivation is the energy to study, achieve, and maintain a positive attitude and behaviors over time. Highly motivated students view their effort and ability as the most important factors of success.

  • Remind yourself that your success today will help you to be more successful tomorrow.
  • Make learning your number one priority.
  • Set realistic goals, within a specific time period such as a day, week, or term. Divide larger projects into smaller pieces you can easily accomplish.
  • Get in touch with other students. Students who already have successfully passed the class you are in can help give you an idea of what to expect.
  • Compete with yourself. Keep bettering your previous grades rather than focusing on the performance of others.

2. Time Management
Managing your time allows you to be more effective, efficient, and productive.

  • For the entire quarter, write down all important dates in your calendar.
  • Structure your out-of-class time with a daily planner so that you can plan ahead and avoid missing important dates.
  • Know your learning style and take this into account when developing a study schedule.
  • Use time in between classes to read, review notes, and prepare for your next lecture.
  • Conquer procrastination:
    a. Weigh the consequences. Procrastination might mean you are unable to finish an assignment before it’s due, receive the grade you desire, and potentially fail the course.
    b. Do a task analysis. Break down your task into smaller tasks and achieve them one by one.
    c. Create deadlines. Work with the deadline set by your instructor and create personal deadlines along the way.
  • Space out your study periods for one course over the entire week.
  • Allow for longer study periods when learning general concepts and material where your mind can make connections with other concepts in a meaningful way.
  • Reward yourself. Four hours of solid studying followed by a half-hour of an activity is more productive than four mediocre hours of study with many interruptions.
  • Memorize specific details and facts right before you go to bed.
  • Review for a class discussion right before the class meets.
  • Consider reviewing your methods with your instructor. Getting help on a troublesome topic may help you succeed in future courses.

Note: The quarter system courses move at a fast pace. A couple of days doing nothing may make it difficult to catch up.

3. Course Materials: Textbooks, Syllabus, and Readings
Effective use of course materials is essential for understanding and learning course content. Properly reading course materials can be challenging. You should read course materials multiple times to fully grasp the concepts covered.

  • Pre-read before a lecture to see what is covered in the course material and what you need to pay attention to during the lecture. Read with questions in your mind.
  • Scan the chapter titles.
  • Read after the lecture to form a complete understanding of the material covered in the lecture.
  • Read, think, and ask questions. Keep a balance of the three.
  • Check for comprehension. During your reading, pause periodically and use textbook questions to test your understanding.
  • Gain a further understanding by forming connections between the various topics within a chapter. Go a step further and connect ideas between chapters.
  • Read summary paragraphs or conclusions.
  • At the end of each chapter, create an outline of all you have learned.
  • Define key terms and phrases in your own words.
  • Get together with others in your class and ask each other questions on the reading.
  • Read before tests to have a complete review.

4. Lectures
Lectures are the main teaching methods used on our campus. During lectures, instructors convey critical information, history, background, theories, equations, and practical application.

  • Attend ALL class sessions.
  • Sit toward the center of the classroom close to the front.
  • Be an active, not a passive, listener; get involved, ask questions.
  • Make an effort to remember, “What were the important things we covered today?”
  • Learn to filter out “noise.” Don't be distracted by the conversations of others.

5. Notes
Taking good notes in class is crucial for learning and preparing for exams. Notes that are a complete record of course material learned are most effective.

  • Date all notes and number all pages.
  • Experiment with different formats (outline, tables, and notecards) and find what works best for you for each course.
  • Paraphrase information into your own words rather than writing verbatim.
  • Use abbreviations whenever possible, being consistent with your abbreviations and symbols.
  • Leave room in the margins so that you may add to your notes later.
  • Develop a system to give extra emphasis to key ideas, concepts, and definitions: underline, use different-colored ink, use asterisks, draw arrows, use a highlighter, etc.
  • Don’t be overly concerned with neatness and style, as you can revise your notes at a later time.
  • Give equal importance to all aspects of the lecture. Spoken words are just as important as what is written or projected on the board/screen. Listen carefully at the end of each class session before you wrap up.
  • Organize, review, and revise your notes.
  • Process the information you hear and test your understanding by writing summaries. If you have grasped the concept entirely, you will be able to produce detailed and comprehensive notes; if not, you will have a better idea of what to follow up on with the instructor or a teaching assistant.
  • At the end of the course, put a table of contents on the cover of your notes.

6. Outside of Class Study
To fully prepare for examinations outside of class, study is required. Finding an effective way to study outside of class is essential for academic success.

  • Find a good location to study (library, home, or a dedicated study room).
  • Work on assignments that are due the soonest so you do not fall behind.
  • Spread out work over the quarter. Studying in small amounts daily works better than “cramming.”
  • Vary the order of the subjects studied.
  • A study group and make sure members of your group keep focused and share equally in the responsibility of reviewing the course materials and notes.
  • Prepare for meetings with your instructor and teaching assistant (select instructors have office hours):
    a. Confirm where and when you are meeting
    b. Know the instructor’s academic background and current research
    c. Bring all the appropriate materials
    d. Write down questions and discussion points beforehand
    e. Obtain clarification on concepts, facts, and processes.
    f. Obtain clarification on formulas, applications, and specific problem areas.
    g. As needed and as permitted, coordinate to make up tests, quizzes, or other work
    h. Check in on how you are doing in class.

Note: Instructors teaching UCSB Professional and Continuing Education courses do not have office hours. You may arrange to talk with them before class, at break, or after class.

7. Summarization
What is learned needs to be digested, organized, and memorized for future use. Creating summaries will serve that purpose.

  • Do a summary for each chapter of your textbook and lecture.
  • At the end of the course, do an overall summary.
  • Include:
    a. Major topics covered (make a list of them).
    b. Important methods or techniques used in courses involving mathematics.
    c. Examples, homework, and quiz questions.

8. Tests
Examinations do not have to be feared. With the right preparation, you can feel confident about your ability to perform.

Test Taking Preparation

  • Begin test preparation activities as far in advance as you can.
  • Learn to anticipate what is going to be on the exam.
  • Simulate tests by completing assignments under the same conditions as the real test (no books or notes).
  • Work on practice problems until you are confident that you understand how the formula or principle works in all possible cases.
  • Organize your study materials.
  • Go over your texts, syllabus, notes, and homework. Make sure you understand every part.
  • Break your studying into small units and practice.
  • Participate in a study group (as both a learner and a teacher).
  • Don’t replace protein with caffeine.
  • Rewrite your notes by hand! The physical act of writing information helps you retain it in your mind.

Test Taking Strategies

  • View a test as a challenge or opportunity to perform, not as a punishment.
  • Get to the class early enough to get seated, settled, and relaxed, but not so early that you get caught up in the last-minute study panic.
  • Read all the directions.
  • Budget your time.
  • Read the test questions carefully. Highlight the important words or phrases.
  • Answer the easy portions first.
  • Connect concepts with pictures, symbols, formulas, and diagrams for problem-solving questions.
  • Slow down on tests as anxiety makes you skip over parts of questions.
  • Remember: it is the score that matters, not how early you turn in your test.
  • Review your answers after finishing your exam.

9. Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal response to high pressure situations. Managing your anxiety may help you succeed under pressure.

  • Try not to exaggerate the importance or significance of the test.
  • Avoid negative thoughts.
  • Take 30-60 seconds out to sit back and relax.
  • Try some relaxation techniques (breathe deeply, tense-relax your bicep).
  • Make sure you eat healthy, have adequate sleep, and exercise regularly.



Saturday 30 July 2022


     She Hulk: Attorney At Law

   Jennifer Walter was born to William Walters, a sheriff in Los Angeles County, and Elaine Walters, who died in an accident when Jennifer was 17. Jennifer was innately shy and often struggling with confidence issues, Jennifer however became an attorney with a thriving career, until a crime boss, Nicholas Trask, shot and seriously injured her to get back at William. Luckily for Jennifer, her cousin Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk himself, happened to be in her native Los Angeles when it happened.

     However, a  blood transfusion provided by Bruce helped heal Jennifer, but it had a side effect, producing a gamma-powered, green-skinned hero dubbed the She-Hulk in her first encounter with criminals. 

     As such, Walters becomes a large, powerful, green-hued version of herself. Unlike Banner she largely retains her personality, in particular the majority of her intelligence and emotional control. Like Hulk, she is still susceptible to outbursts of anger and becomes much stronger when enraged. In later series, her transformation is permanent, and she often breaks the fourth wall for humorous effect and running gags.

     In the movie,Walter is stuck  between being a she hulk or going back to her career as a lawyer. However,Bruce Banner her cousin trains her on "How to be a Hulk". Walter worked in a Law firm dominated by lawyers who secretly had super powers including her best friend.

     The brilliant lawyer and super hero," Dare devil was also featured. This also included an old enemy of "Bruce Banner" called " The Abomination"- Emil Blonksy   who later shows up again and "Wong" friend of Doctor strange who is now the new Sorcerer of supreme because Doctor strange vanished for 5years after Marvel "Infinity War". Awesome!!!

     The movie she hulk is one of a kind because it filled with suspence,action, indecisive decision of Walter to becoming she hulk completely or a lawyer and Lots more.

    The Big Question is❓

 Who then is the villian in the movie "She hulk" cos a lot of people expects it to be "The Abomination" Bruce Banner long time enemy or an unknown person called Titania ( Jameela Jamil).


    To find out this big question?


Please link, comment and subscribe 




Friday 29 July 2022



     The war which started when Russia invaded Ukraine on the 24th February,2022 is a fierce one as Russians forces on thursday launched a deadly missile attack in the kyiv region, which is the southern part and also in the Northern chernihiv region.
     The effect of this missile led to the death of 5 people, leaving 26 injured in the central city of kropyvnytskyi as the officials said. Three people also lost their lives in the east of Dakhmut.
     According to Andrii Nebytov,the region's head of police,15 people were also hurt at a military base near kyiv region.
     Looking at the situation in the country, Ukraine devised a means to take back the southern region occupied by the Russian, knocking out a strategic road bridge to prevent Russia from transporting heavy weapons and munitions.
     However, Moscow forces is now redeployed from the eastern Ukraine to defend the Kherson region.

Thursday 28 July 2022



The current Nigeria's record comes a year after the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) prohibited the sale of foreign currency to bureau de change operation.


The naira has crashed further in the parallel market, trading for N710 against the U.S. dollar on the exchange platform Aboki Forex.

Checks by Peoples Gazette on Wednesday showed the current parallel market rate pegged at N710 to a dollar.

The national currency, which traded for N670 against the dollar on Monday, has fallen even further by 6.7 percent in two days as of Friday afternoon, according to data from Aboki Forex.

Today’s record fall comes a year after the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) prohibited the sale of foreign currency to bureau de change operators.

The apex bank had previously prohibited the sale of foreign exchange to BDC operators due to their unauthorized sales of foreign exchange above the market they were authorized to serve.

Prior to the ban, BDC operators were a major black market, providing exchange rate support to those who could not formally access foreign currencies directly from the CBN.

Peoples Gazette had reported how the suspension of BDC operators’ ability to source foreign exchange from the CBN could seriously impact the country’s economy by mounting further pressure on the national currency.

When CBN Governor Godwin Emefiele banned the sale of forex to BDC, the exchange rate was around N501 to a dollar. However, a year after the ban, the value of the naira plummeted to N670 to a dollar.


In an attempt to further restrict the flow of forex at the parallel market, the apex bank threatened to arrest and prosecute Nigerians using naira to buy dollars last week.

“For those taking money from banks to buy dollars, it is illegal to do so. If the security agencies hold you, you will know the implication of that,” Mr Emefiele said at a Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting in Lagos.

However, Mr Emefiele has been criticised for failing to initiate policies that will help stabilize the country’s currency value in the forex market.Naira against the dollar at the Investors and Exporters window has decreased from N164 when Godwin Emefiele became governor of the central bank in March 2014 to N430 to a dollar on Wednesday.

In the parallel market, the Naira weakened from N180 to a dollar in 2014 to N710 on Wednesday.

Wednesday 27 July 2022



     Prof. Kingdom Tombra, Chairman of the University of Niger Delta University Wilberforce Island chapter of the union, made this known at the solidarity protest organised by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) on Tuesday in Yenagoa.

    The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the NLC embarked on the nationwide protest in solidarity with the ASUU and other affiliate unions over the lingering industrial action in public universities in Nigeria.

  “If this is done, it will build a better society by developing formidable educational institutions and improve funding of the university system in Nigeria. 

  “This struggle is not against government, but about the working class and against the ruling class and we are very committed to it

  “If the rich and poor go to the same university or institution, I don’t think the strike will occur again.

  “If they school here and their children are here they will show total support for the university system and the tertiary institutions in Nigeria,” he said.

   NAN reports that lecturers in government-owned universities commenced a nationwide strike on Feb. 14 over the adoption of the University Transparency and Accountability  Solution (UTAS) as a payment system in the university sector.

   Earlier, Gov. Douye Diri of Bayelsa who spoke to the organised labour, commended the ASUU and the NLC for the peaceful conduct of the protest, promising to channel their demands to the appropriate quarters.

   Also speaking, Mr John Ndiomu, the NLC Chairman in Bayelsa commended the governor for his peaceful disposition.

   He said that the workers and the students are being represented in the Nationwide solidarity rally.

   Ndiomu, urged the federal government to sign the renegotiated draft agreement between ASUU and the Federal Government.

”Adopt University Transparency Accountability Solution (UTAS) in place IPPIS, Pay Earned Academic Allowances (EAA)

“Release of Revitalization Fund, Release white paper on visitation to Federal Universities. Amend NUC law to control proliferation of state universities without funding,” the labour leader said.


Tuesday 26 July 2022



The Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, has finally embarked on a two-day protest it promised, to register its displeasure over the lingering ASUU strike and other issues affecting the country.

The Congress has embarked on the nationwide protest in solidarity with the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, and other affiliate unions over the lingering industrial action in public universities in Nigeria.

In a circular sent to state councils of NLC by the national secretariat and obtained by Vanguard, national president, Comrade Ayuba Wabba told fellow workers that the national days of protest was in support of unions in Nigeria’s public universities who are fighting for quality education.

“In line with the decisions of the National Executive Council (NEC) meeting of the Nigeria Labour Congress held on the 30th of June 2022, we have scheduled as follows the national days of protest to get our children back to school and support our unions in Nigeria’s public universities fighting for quality education.

In line with the agreement, Members of the Congress, Tuesday stormed the streets of Lagos, with placards emblazoned with different inscription.

Some of the inscriptions are: “Nigeria at 60 years Independence, More hunger in the land”. “Reduce the costs of governance now. Save the masseuses from poverty and hunger”. “Stop importation of petrol, revive the refineries”.


The protest will last for two days.


     Centuries ago,a rare and indestructible meteoric ore known as VIBRANIUM fell on the continent of Africa. Making five African tribes to war over the meteorite containing the metal VIBRANIUM.
     A more powerful warrior from the golden tribe ingest a mystical herb in the shape of a " heart" affected by VIBRANIUM and gains superhuman abilities, becoming the first " Black Panther". He unites all but the Jabari tribe to form the county WAKANDA.
     This VIBRANIUM made wakanda a peculiar mixture of futuristic technology and traditional life. As a result of this,they had sophisticated technology more than any African countries.
      After the death of his father,T Challa claimed the throne of his father as well as the mantle of the Black Panther. Later on,T Challa was exposed to the mystical herb of his ancestors which enhanced his strength and agility to become a superhuman.
     When a more powerful enemy suddenly appears,T Challa gets tested when he is drawn into a conflicts that puts the fate of Wakanda and the entire world at risk. Faced with a fight between his cousin Killmonger who wanted revenge for his father's death and was also angry at wakanda's refusal to assist disenfranchised individuals of African descent around the globe. The young King T Challa releases the full power of the Black Panther to defeat his cousin and to secure the safety of his people.
       T Challa's meeting with the " Fantastic Four" made him decided to use his powers to serve humanity but Wakanda was still closed to the outside world,so he flew off to New York, leaving his people behind.


    Find out by watching this short video clip.

Monday 25 July 2022

Asuu Strike Coming To An End


The presidential candidate of Labour Party, Peter Obi has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to sit and dialogue with the striking lecturers under the platform of the Academic Staff Union of Universities to end the nearly six-month strike.The former Anambra governor said if the President could sit with party leaders over primary election, he should also sit with the aggrieved lecturers to end the strike.

Obi said this in an exclusive interview with Vanguard at the weekend while reacting to “What we have on our hands is a situation that requires presidential intervention. The minister that has been given an ultimatum has not just been appointed to oversee the education sector. It is not that he has just been drafted to do the job.

“This is a job that has not been done to deliver on an outcome that is desirable, so, giving an ultimatum to your minister is like saying, continue to talk as they’ve been doing?

The LP standard bearer also said: “Then, our political leaders, too, should please take this matter very seriously.

Speaking about other sectors of the economy, Obi said: “You cannot talk about physical infrastructure unless you’ve dealt with human infrastructure and education is key.“Today, we borrow money and borrow labour from China. What that shows is that you’ve not built your human infrastructure – and it’s like you’re not building your future. So, the President needs to take control immediately. And the issue of health, education and pulling people out of poverty are the most critical agenda for development and he should take control of it forthwith.”

Saturday 23 July 2022

Ways To Solve Major Marital Crises

All relationships and marriages go through periods when they face problems. The secret to a healthy and growing relationship is your ability to overcome these problems. The moment you turn your back on your relationship when you encounter marital issues, it will quickly fall into despair. Solving marriage problems will not only make your relationship healthier, but also more resilient.

Strategic Steps for Solving Marital Problems

All couples have problems, but not every couple is able to work through them. These are strategic steps to solve your marital problems, no matter what it is that is causing the troubles.


Communication is the secret to a lasting relationship. All healthy and happy marriages keep their communication lines open.

If you are trying to solve your marital problems, you should not stop communicating with your spouse. Openly discuss the issues you are having so that you can come up with a resolution together. If you just sweep it under a rug, it will only develop into something more serious in the long run. 


One of the most common hurdles to solving marriage problems is when you and your partner don’t see eye to eye when it comes to your marital issues. One spouse is willing to discuss the problem and the other doesn’t find it a big deal. 

When you’ve reached an impasse, it’s important to take a break. Forcing your opinion on things won’t change the situation. By taking a break, you allow time for each of you to put things in perspective.


When you are in an argument with your spouse, it is easy to let your emotions take over. You could end up saying hurtful things that only worsen the problem instead of fixing them. Try to avoid this route whenever possible. 

When discussing your marital problems, focus on being constructive. It is also important to stay on-topic and not to bring up previous issues. 


Married couples that have been together for a long time have this false belief that they know each other deeply. However, this can often be the root of the problem in a relationship. 

Never stop asking questions or attempting to get to know your partner. This will help you understand their needs better and help avoid conflict, or understand their perspective when it comes to discussing issues within your marriage. 

There will be less conflict in your relationship if you know where your partner is coming from.


When you are solving marriage problems, you need to approach them together and decide on the best solution as a couple. One spouse cannot be authoritarian and make decisions for the both of you. In fact, this is something that causes marriage problems in the first place. 

By making decisions together, you can both be at ease knowing that you’ve considered your partner’s feelings and concerns. Avoid the urge to insist on what you want or doing things your way. Keep an open mind and encourage your spouse to voice their opinion.

If things start to get heated between you in an argument, think of ways to deescalate the conflict and try to keep things light.


Have you ever experienced opening up about your feelings and then having those feelings shut down or dismissed? It’s not a good feeling. It makes you feel undervalued and unnoticed. 

You don’t want your spouse to feel this way. If you are trying to resolve conflict within your marriage, you need to encourage one another. Give your spouse a chance to speak up and make their feelings known. Even if you don’t agree with them, don’t dismiss their feelings. Instead, try to put yourself in their shoes and understand why they feel that way. Look at what you can do to address those feelings. That is what couples in healthy marriages do. 


It is not uncommon for spouses to feel the need to ‘win’ an argument. It feeds their ego and makes them feel good about themselves when they prove their spouse wrong about certain things. 

You should not solve your marital problems with this kind of attitude. Often, if you win an argument, your relationship loses. This should not be about who wins or loses; focus on fixing issues in your marriage so you can both be happy and healthy. 


This might sound like an obvious tip but most couples who are fighting find it difficult to stay positive. Successful couples are the ones that can maintain a positive perspective throughout their relationship even when dealing with marital issues. 

The fact that you and your partner are taking steps to address your problems is a good sign. This should inspire you to stay positive about the future of your relationship. Hold on to that positivity and find ways to save your relationship, especially if you both agree that it’s worth saving. 


Most spouses are so desperate to resolve issues within their marriage that they end up smothering their other half. However, taking this approach when you are dealing with marriage problems will only make things worse.

Give your spouse the space to think and reflect. It will also give you the opportunity to look at things from their perspective. When you give each other space, you don’t act based on emotions but rather on logic and reasoning. 


Counselling is a great way to solve marriage problems. It will involve a few sessions only, and is a great way to address issues within your relationship on a neutral ground. You can also get the guidance of an expert so you can work out the cause of the problem. 

The secret to success with counseling is to follow through with the plan. Any consultation you’ve done with a therapist will be of no use if you have no accountability and don’t follow through with it. It is important that both spouses take accountability for fixing their marital problems. 

If you think counseling is expensive, it’s definitely cheaper than divorce! Plus, if you are serious about solving marriage problems, this is one of the best ways to go about it. 


Friday 22 July 2022

Atiku Tells Major Presidential Rival That It Will Take A Miracle To Win Against Him


Atiku Abubakar

2023: It’ll take a miracle for Peter Obi to win – Atiku

Atiku says Mr Obi made a mistake by leaving the PDP for the Labour Party and, therefore, stands very little chance of winning the presidential election in 2023.

Mr Obi, he said, made a mistake by leaving the PDP and stands very little chance of winning the presidential election in 2023.

Atiku stated this during an interview with Arise TV on Friday.

Mr Obi, who is the flag bearer of the LP, was also a presidential aspirant on PDP’s platform before he dumped the party.

He left PDP three days to the its presidential primary, citing “developments in the party” as his reason for leaving.

“Unfortunately, recent developments within our party makes it impossible for me to continue participating and making constructive contributions,” he said in a letter addressed to the PDP National Chairman, Iyorchia Ayu.

The former Anambra State governor was Atiku’s running mate in the 2019 presidential election.

Support for Mr Obi, as LP candidate in the 2023 poll, has been loud and dominated by Nigerian youth – especially on the social media. They have tagged themselves “OBIdients”.

He also recently unveiled Yusuf Baba-Ahmed as his running mate.

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Peter Obi
Peter Obi [PHOTO: The Africa Report]

Hope for a miracle

In his interview, Atiku dismissed the large following that the former governor has amassed, noting that they were nowhere to be found during the just concluded Osun State gubernatorial election.

He also dismissed fears that activities of the LP would hurt the votes of the PDP at the presidential polls.

“I really don’t expect the Labour Party to take much votes from the PDP as people are speculating. They have no structure at all levels, with no governor, and lawmakers.

“It will take a miracle for Labour Party with no structure in the grassroots to win the election.

“They had said through the social media they have one million votes in Osun State but how many votes do they have in real life?

“In the northern part of the country, about 90 per cent of people don’t have access to the social media. Most of the electorate are not on social media,” he said.

Atiku also said Mr Obi “did not consult him” before leaving the PDP.

“He only informed me three days after he announced for Labour Party.”

Atiku is among many Nigerians who have criticised the “OBIdient movement” for being overly confident and having no structure in the grassroots.

Sam Amadi, a political analyst, had said while Atiku is right to dismiss the efforts of Mr Obi (being a presidential candidate talking about an opponent), he noted that the votes of the Labour Party at the poll might hurt the chances of the PDP in some states.

He, however, said with the support for Mr Obi, what to expect is the “Obama effect” – where the new set of voters are dominated by the youth who are determined to vote for a change.

He added that while it may not be possible now, it could work in the future.